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Contact page

Contact pages help create communication channels with customers, build trust, collect information and optimize SEO, facilitating the success of your services.

Demo contact page ⬇️

Step 1: Create a new Page with slug contact

Page URL contact
Page URL contact
  • Page URL (Slug) :contact
  • Page title : optional
  • Template : Default
  • Content : Page Description
Contact page

Step 2: Create a new Form from the Formspark service

Create a free Formspark account to use.

Free to use Formspark
Free to use Formspark

After logging in to the Formspark dashboard, you proceed to create a new form

Create a new contact form
Create a new contact form
Copy form action URL
Copy form action URL

The form action looks like:

Paste the form action URL into the ghost Setting > Design > Site-wide > Contact form

Paste to Contact Form at Design Setting
Paste to Contact Form at Design Setting


How to manage contact messages

You will reply directly when there is a new message via email by Reply directly.

Set up email notifications to reply directly to contact emails

Set up email notifications to reply directly to contact emails