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Using this documentation page will help you get started with TanaFlows.

Step-by-step instructions will walk you through installing the theme and using premium features like multilingual support, schema structure, landing page optimization, and a powerful content hub.

I hope this document helps you build a high-converting website.

You shoud start at:

  1. Changelog - Show latest updates of TanaFlows theme working
  2. Deploying Multi-Language Ghost - This guide helps you self-host two Ghost instances on the same server to set up a multi-language site.
  3. Theme Page Template - Explore a versatile page template designed for marketers.
  4. In-Depth Tutorials on Theme Usage - Discover how to utilize templates and real-world scenarios with the TanaFlows theme for monetization.
  5. Feedback or Discussion - Share your thoughts on the TanaFlows theme or ask any questions you may have.
  6. Showcase - View live sites using the TanaFlows theme. We hope yours will be featured too!